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DeltaV™ IO.CONNECT enables plants to securely and efficiently upgrade their legacy control systems to DeltaV DCS, minimizing downtime and risks. This solution empowers plants to optimize capital use, reduce operating costs, achieve immediate ROI, embrace digital transformation, and confidently prepare for the future.

Eliminate >90% Downtime
Accelerate new system transition by over 90% and rapidly resume production by preserving existing I/O and leaving wiring intact.
Reduce Capital Costs by up to 40%
IO.CONNECT offers up to 40% reduction of your capital spend over your current legacy automation system.
Reduce Total Cost of Ownership
Accelerate the value of your modernization, drive returns now, and gain greater, more cost-effective support.

Benefits of IO.CONNECT

Opportunistically Transition at Your Own Pace
Transition card by card, channel by channel, from existing I/O to either DeltaV Traditional I/O or DeltaV Electronic Marshalling.
Future-Proof Operations
IO.Connect provides a fully redundant path toward modernizing your control system. DeltaV architecture future-proofs automation systems against obsolescence issues.
Improve Availability
IO.Connect offers high-performance hardware, greater uptime and high efficiency using proven, industrial-grade hardware and is thoroughly tested.
Improve Process Control
Modern process control philosophies and tools enable state-based control and alarming, advanced controls and analytics and performance monitoring.
Simplify Operations
Operators can monitor and control DeltaV system data using state-of-the-art operator interfaces through DeltaV Live.
Enhance Security
DeltaV is top-to-bottom cybersecure, and can securely collect and send data where needed.
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Book an Appointment

Click here to book a discovery appointment with a specialist to learn more about DeltaV CONNECT solutions and how they can help you balance obsolescence, cost and schedule as you transition to optimal control and modernize your operations.

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Looking for more information on IO.CONNECT or any of the DeltaV CONNECT solutions? Send us a note or give us a call.
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