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Leverage performance-enhancing technology without starting from scratch with an integrated operator interface, enabling a low-risk, seamless transformation into a smart digital plant.

Modern, Built-For-Purpose DeltaV Live Operator Interface
Operators can monitor and control both legacy system and DeltaV System data from the DeltaV Live Operator Interface. DeltaV Live provides a complete set of high-performance tools: operator graphics, sophisticated alarm management and presentation, embedded historical trending and system-wide security.
Seamless Integration
The DeltaV Console.Connect Solution seamlessly integrates legacy system networks with the DeltaV network. Legacy system data is incorporated into DeltaV and allows for rich communications between the systems during the various phases of cutover.
Install and Commission with No Downtime
DeltaV Operator Stations can be added with the legacy system online and used side-by-side with existing consoles while the process continues to run.
Simplified Operator Training
DeltaV Operator Stations provide new capabilities yet show legacy control data in a common format that operators  are already used to viewing.
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Click here to book a discovery appointment with a specialist to learn more about DeltaV CONNECT solutions and how they can help you balance obsolescence, cost and schedule as you transition to optimal control and modernize your operations.

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