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Fisher Optimized Digital Valve (ODV)
Fisher Optimized Digital Valve
Fisher’s Optimized Digital Valve actuation package is designed specifically for the rigors of compressor surge control applications.

It integrates the valve, its actuator and an anti-surge FIELDVUE DVC 6200 valve controller into a high speed, highly accurate and reliable answer to surge control and turbine bypass needs.


  • Fast: can complete a stroke to the fully open position to meet the response times dictated by the compressor controller. Often this is less than one second.
  • Stable and accurate: better than 0.25% positioning accuracy.
  • Quickly tuned and commissioned: takes only minutes to optimize the positioning control utilizing patented enhanced tuning capabilities built into the ODV tiered digital valve controller positioner.
  • Reliability: built in FIELDVUE PD level diagnostics help assure long term valve availability and sustained performance.